All first year students at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 are housed in our designated first year residence halls. 这些大厅是鲜花, 马修斯, Pfremmer, 和雷诺, 他们被统称为“骄傲”. 校长厅和花厅是我们的男女宿舍, 马修斯学院只招收男性学生, 雷诺兹大厅只对女性开放. These residence halls offer two person rooms with a “Jack and Jill” style bathroom that connects to another two person room. 酒店还提供残障人士无障碍房间.
每个学生都配有梳妆台,书桌,椅子,衣柜或衣柜,以及一张双人床. 我们的宿舍配有空调、洗衣设施和Wi-Fi. The main floor of each residence hall has a fully furnished lounge complete with a television and a microwave.
骄傲酒店位于卢布洛克体育中心附近,交通便利, 埃文斯共用, 田野的房子, Harlen C. 猎人体育场,J。. 谢德格艺术中心,海兰竞技场/训练室.
Housing applications for incoming first year students for Freshman Application 2024-2025 are now open. 访问 StarRez 今天启动您的应用程序.
Lindenwood has a two-year residency requirement for traditional undergraduate students that requires students to live in university housing for their first two years in most circumstances. 以下学生必须住在大学宿舍.
·一年级新生, 新生转移, 国际学生, 转校生修满少于24个学分.
·任何加入运动队的学生, 无论是NCAA还是SLS, 包括奖学金学生运动员, non-scholarship本校, 团队经理, 等.
The following exceptions to the university housing residency requirement may apply to first-year students who are not affiliated with an athletic team or receiving a scholarship that includes residency as a scholarship requirement.
·住在父母主要住所的学生, 法定监护人或澳门威尼斯人平台官网校园半径35英里范围内的国际赞助家庭
Students required to live in university housing may appeal this requirement to Lindenwood’s residency appeal committee. 上诉 should be submitted in writing to the admissions office and include all reasons why the student believes they should not be required in live in university housing. 住院医师申诉委员会将审查每一项申诉,并根据具体情况作出决定. Students granted an appeal to the student housing residency requirement may be subject to an adjustment of the institutional financial aid if the residency status change affects their direct costs.
StarRez is an industry-leading and comprehensive student housing solution that includes: online housing applications, 在线室友和房间自行选择, 室友匹配, 社交媒体, 还有更多.
登录到 StarRez 您将使用登录信息来访问您的学生电子邮件. This information will be given to you via email once you have been accepted to 澳门威尼斯人平台官网.
Pride酒店的标准间是一间杰克和吉尔式套房. 面积约为12平方英尺乘17平方英尺.
Pride的窗户是4英尺6英寸宽x 5英尺高. 从窗户顶部到地板大约是7英尺6英寸.
- Laundry (located in all Residential Halls and 埃文斯共用) is included in cost of attendance through tuition or fees.
- WiFi包括在学费或杂费中
- 特大号双人床和床垫
- 桌椅
- 梳妆台
- 每个住户的衣柜或衣橱
- 桌子:42英寸长,24英寸宽,30英寸高
- 超长双人床:长85英寸,宽36英寸,高36英寸(床高可调)
- 梳妆台:长31英寸,宽24英寸,高30英寸
- 椅子也包括在房间里
保证学生的安全, employees of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 are unable to release information regarding a student to anyone beyond that student, 家长或法定监护人的FERPA释放. 话虽如此,学生将无法访问有关室友的信息.
一旦你选好了房间,有了室友, 作为一名学生,你可以访问你新室友的电子邮件. 另外, 你的室友在StarRez的个人资料中提供的任何信息都可以提供给你.
小贴士:在到达校园后购买浴室用品. 这样你和你的室友可以一起购物!
是的! 你可以在下面阅读完整的客人政策.
客人必须遵守所有州,地方和大学的政策. 住客要对他们的客人和他们的行为负责. 我们要求学生尊重彼此睡觉、学习的权利,并在自己的宿舍里保持舒适 空间. 而每个房间的居民决定他们招待客人的时间和条件, Overnight guests may not stay for a period longer than three consecutive days without specific permission from the Director of 住宅生活 and a maximum of 10 nights (total) for the semester, 得到所有室友的同意. Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted within the residence without specific permission from the Director of 住宅生活.
住宅生活 reserves the right to restrict students’ guest privileges at its discretion should individual issues emerge.
Residents are responsible for both their non-Lindenwood guest(s) and their commuter guest(s) regardless of the amount of time the guest is visiting. This means that the resident must inform their guest of all 住宅生活 and 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 policies and if the guest does not abide by them the resident may be held responsible for the guest’s actions. The guest may not be left unaccompanied; the host must be present at all times. 除了, 如果客人违反了政策, 他们可能会被禁止进入校园宿舍和/或澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学. Commuters found in violation/present during university policies being broken will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
除鱼外,任何校园宿舍都不允许携带宠物, 油箱不超过10加仑. 宠物,比如蛇, 蟾蜍, 海龟, 鳄鱼, 仓鼠, 狗, 猫, 鸟, 兔子, 老鼠, 老鼠, 其他外来动物也被禁止. 携带非法宠物的学生将被要求立即将宠物带离校园. 如果不这样做,将会受到纪律处分.
澳门威尼斯人平台官网学校的规定是不允许学生把床抬起来. 然而,床可能会被铺上.
增加房间空间的另一个选择是购买一套床立床. 配有标准的6英寸床立管, 这个梳妆台正好可以放在你的床底下, 与其他个人物品一起,你可以选择储存在那里.
Community Development Ambassadors are student 工作人员 members who reside in the residence halls and can help with issues related to roommates or suitemates.
Residential Administrative Assistants are student 工作人员 members who reside in the residence halls and houses and can help with maintenance issues, 安静时间问题, 等.
In each Residence Hall there resides a Assistant Residential Community Coordinator or a Residential Community Coordinator. Residential Community Coordinators are full time employees of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 and live in the Residential Halls for the safety and security of our students. If there is an issue that the Community Development Ambassador or Residential Administrative Assistant is unable to resolve, they will seek out help from the Assistant Residential Community Coordinator or the Residential Community Coordinator.
我需要带些什么? (建议,非强制)
- 冰箱33英寸高及以下
- 花中的学生, 马修斯, Pfremmer, 雷诺兹夫妇每间房可以有一台微波炉, 最大功率为700瓦
- Keurig或其他小型咖啡机
- 衣架
- 双床特大号床上用品(被子、床单和床垫套)
- 双XL床垫填充泡沫/鸡蛋箱泡沫
- 浪涌保护器多插头线
- 带流媒体设备的电视
- 移动PC
- 3米命令条/挂钩用于任何墙壁装饰
- 个人装饰品/项目
- 床上立管
- 衣柜鞋柜
- 浴帘
- 浴垫
- 刷马桶的刷子
- 洗漱用品(沐浴露、洗发水、护发素、除臭剂、牙刷和牙膏)
- 浴室毛巾(浴巾、毛巾及手巾)
- 浴室清洁用品
- 额外的灯/照明
- 房间地毯
- 洗衣篮和用品(洗涤剂、织物柔软剂和干衣纸)
- 垃圾桶
- 个人温度计
- 任何带有电热板的物品(单独的电热板、电热水壶等).)
- 任何带有加热盘管的物品(烤面包机、烤箱、单独加热器等).)
- 蜡烛或任何明火
- 动物(鱼类除外) 服务和情感支持动物)
- 酒精或毒品
- 钉子、螺丝或任何其他用于墙壁的安装设备
Lindenwood understands that there are students who are unable to eat the food provided in the meal plan due to allergy or religion. 如果学生需要特殊住宿,我们的厨师很乐意提供帮助! 更多信息请联系Nancy Tinker or (636) 949-4644
和你的室友讨论恒温器的控制, and check to see if they are covering any vents or leaving their windows open as this can cause temperature control issues for the whole suite.
如果你在宿舍里感到不舒服,请到宿舍的前台寻求帮助. If you have an issue during hours in which there is not a Residential Administrative Assistant at the front desk email your Residential Community Coordinator.
学生在任何时候都不允许盖上通风口或火警. 这是一个火灾安全隐患,禁止所有居民. If there is an issue with the temperature of your room contact your Residential Administrative Assistant.
所有学生开到学校的车辆, 工作人员, 任何教职员工都必须注册并持有澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的停车许可证. 此许可证将显示在后窗的左下角. 停车许可证有效期为每年7月1日至6月30日.
在拿到停车许可证之前, you must register your vehicle online using the following procedure: Log in to StarRez using your Lindenwood email address and password; Select "Register Vehicle" and complete the vehicle registration form; Bring a paper or electronic copy of the confirmation to the Public 安全 & 安全办公室(1905年第一国会大厦,A套房,圣查尔斯,密苏里州63301). 停车许可包括在学杂费中.
学生可以选择注册一个邮箱来接收更小的邮件. 学生可以访问他们的邮箱在埃文斯共享时间的操作.
当您收到包裹时,您将通过学生电子邮件收到通知. 包裹可在校园收发室的正常工作时间内领取. 学生不需要有邮箱来接收包裹.
邮箱# # # (如适用)
- 校长大厅——男女同校的大厅
- 雷诺兹大厅——女子大厅
- 花堂——男女同校堂
- 马修斯大厅——男子大厅
以上提到的所有大厅都有相同的设置. 每个房间住两个学生, and is connected to another room by a bathroom (with the exception of a select number of private bathrooms). 一年级学生不能单独住宿. 我们希望我们的学生能够舒适地融入澳门威尼斯人平台官网. 作为二年级,三年级和四年级学生,学生将有机会选择一个单间.